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Air fryer Poached Eggs

Air fryer Poached Eggs

Making these mess-free and incredibly simple poached eggs in an air fryer using silicone moulds or ramekins is a breeze. They also move quickly. I adore producing these.

Making poached eggs in an air fryer is simple and mess-free. An excellent replacement for cooking on the stove.

Ingredients For Air fryer Poached Eggs

  1. 4 eggs or as many as you need
  2. ½ tsp. Use olive oil to brush or spritz the ramekins.
  3. Half a teaspoon of salt.
  4. Add ½ teaspoon pepper.
  5. Chopped parsley is optional.


  1. In the microwave, heat 1 cup of water for about 2 minutes, or until it’s extremely hot. Approximately one cup of water is required, depending on the number of eggs you intend to cook at once.

Poached Eggs in an Air Fryer Using Silicone Moulds Guidelines:

  • Apply oil to silicone moulds by brushing or spraying them. In your air fryer, place three silicone moulds or as many as possible.
  • For five minutes, preheat the air fryer to 390F or 200C.
  • Remove the basket. Keep the moulds in the air fryer basket since they are hot. Crack an egg into the mould right now.
  • Have hot water available. Cover the egg with 3–4 tablespoons of boiling water. A portion of it will immediately begin to cook the egg white.
  • Take out the basket. Because the moulds are hot, keep them in the air fryer basket. Now crack one egg into the mould.
  • Make sure you have hot water on hand. Pour three or four teaspoons of boiling water over the egg. Some of it will start cooking the egg white right away.
  • Cook for an additional minute or two if you prefer cooked yolks in your poached eggs.
  • This is for eggs that are room temperature (medium). For refrigerated eggs, increase the time by 30 or 1 minute.
  • The same holds true for big eggs.
  • Using a spatula, remove your poached eggs. They are easily removed. After adding salt and pepper, savour.
  • Poached Eggs in an Air Fryer with Ramekins Recipe
  • Lightly mist the bottoms of the ramekins with oil. After setting the air fryer to 390 F or 200 C for five minutes, insert four ramekins, or as many as will fit, into it.
  • Now handle the ramekins with extreme caution. While the ramekin is still in the air fryer basket, I add the cracked egg to it.
  • Next, place two to three tablespoons of hot water over each cracked egg.
  • You’ll notice that the egg white immediately begins to coagulate.
    Reinstall the air fryer basket with caution.
  • For four to five minutes, air fry at 180 C or 360 F, or until the whites are set and the yolks are still runny.

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