The Best 4K Drone With Gimbal Camera in The Sky

The Best 4K Drone With Gimbal Camera in The Sky: A 4K drone with a gimbal camera refers to a type of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that has the capability to capture high-quality video footage and images in 4K resolution while using a gimbal camera to ensure smooth and stable footage.

A gimbal camera is a type of camera that is mounted on a motorized gimbal, which is a device that helps keep the camera stable and level even when the drone is moving. This is important for capturing high-quality footage as it prevents the camera from shaking or vibrating during flight, which can result in shaky and unusable footage.

4K resolution refers to the number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the video image. A 4K video has a resolution of approximately 3840 x 2160 pixels, which is four times the resolution of a 1080p video. This means that 4K videos have much greater clarity and detail than standard HD videos.

Overall, a 4K drone with a gimbal camera is an ideal choice for professional videographers, photographers, and anyone who wants to capture high-quality aerial footage for personal or commercial purposes.

Here are some other 4K drones with gimbal cameras! that you may want to consider:

  • DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0
  • DJI Mavic 2 Pro
  • Autel Robotics EVO II Pro
  • Parrot Anafi USA
  • Yuneec Typhoon H Plus:
  • Holy Stone HS700D
  • Potensic Dreamer Pro

1. DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0:

The DJI Mavic 2 Pro is a high-end drone with a Hasselblad camera that can capture stunning 4K video and 20 MP still photos. It’s known for its compact design, long battery life, and advanced obstacle-avoidance technology.

A popular drone with a 20-megapixel camera capable of shooting 4K video at 60 frames per second. It has a 3-axis gimbal and obstacle avoidance technology.


  • Excellent camera quality with 4K video at 60 fps and 20 MP still photos
  • 3-axis gimbal for stable footage
  • Obstacle avoidance technology
  • Long-range remote control


  • An expensive price point may be a barrier for some buyers
  • May be difficult to fly for beginners
  • Limited range of motion on the gimbal compared to other drones

Features and specifications:

  • Camera: 1-inch 20 MP CMOS sensor with 4K video at 60 fps and 1080p at 120 fps
  • Gimbal: 3-axis mechanical gimbal
  • Flight time: up to 30 minutes
  • Control range: up to 7 km
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors: Forward, backward, downward, and side obstacle avoidance
  • Weight: 1.38 kg


  • DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0: £1,589 on DJI official website

2. DJI Mavic 2 Pro:

Another popular drone with a Hasselblad camera capable of shooting 4K video at 60 frames per second.

It has a 3-axis gimbal and obstacle avoidance technology. The Autel Robotics Evo II is a powerful drone with a 48 MP camera that can shoot 4K video at 60 fps.

It’s designed for professional photographers and videographers who need a high-performance drone with a long flight time.


  • Excellent camera quality with Hasselblad camera and 4K video at 60 fps
  • 3-axis gimbal for stable footage
  • Obstacle avoidance technology
  • Foldable and portable design


  • Some users have reported issues with software updates and customer support
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors are not as advanced as other drones in its class
  • No dedicated remote controller is included in the package

Features and specifications:

  • Camera: Hasselblad L1D-20c camera with 4K video at 60 fps and 20 MP still photos
  • Gimbal: 3-axis mechanical gimbal
  • Flight time: up to 31 minutes
  • Control range: up to 8 km
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors: Forward, backward, downward, and side obstacle avoidance
  • Weight: 0.90 kg


  • DJI Mavic 2 Pro: £1,349 on DJI’s official website

3. Autel Robotics EVO II Pro:

A professional drone with a 20-megapixel camera capable of shooting 4K video at 60 frames per second. It has a 3-axis gimbal and obstacle avoidance technology.

The Yuneec Typhoon H Plus is a versatile drone with a 4K camera and a 3-axis gimbal for stable footage.

It features advanced obstacle avoidance technology, multiple intelligent flight modes, and a long-range remote control.


  • Excellent camera quality with 6K video and 20 MP still photos
  • 3-axis gimbal for stable footage
  • Obstacle avoidance technology
  • Long-range remote control


  • The heavy and bulky design may make it less portable than some other drones
  • Limited battery life compared to some other drones in its class
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors can be overly sensitive, leading to false alarms

Features and specifications:

  • Camera: 6K Ultra HD video at 60 fps and 20 MP still photos
  • Gimbal: 3-axis mechanical gimbal
  • Flight time: up to 40 minutes
  • Control range: up to 9 km
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors: Front, rear, left, right, top, and bottom obstacle avoidance
  • Weight: 1.174 kg


  • Autel Robotics EVO II Pro: £1,899 on Autel Robotics’ official website
The Best 4K Drone With Gimbal Camera in The Sky
The Best 4K Drone With Gimbal Camera in The Sky

4. Parrot Anafi USA:

A lightweight and portable drone with a 21-megapixel camera capable of shooting 4K video at 60 frames per second. It has a 3-axis gimbal and can fly for up to 26 minutes.

The Holy Stone HS700D is an affordable option for those looking for a drone with a 4K camera and a 2-axis gimbal. It’s designed for beginners and hobbyists who want to capture high-quality aerial footage without breaking the bank.


  • Lightweight and portable design
  • High-quality camera with 4K video at 60 fps and 21 MP still photos
  • 3-axis gimbal for stable footage


  • Camera quality may not be as high as other drones in its class
  • Limited flight time compared to some other drones
  • No obstacle avoidance technology is included in the package

Features and specifications:

  • Camera: 4K HDR video at 60 fps and 21 MP still photos
  • Gimbal: 3-axis hybrid image stabilization
  • Flight time: up to 26 minutes
  • Control range: up to 4 km
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors: None
  • Weight: 0.315 kg


  • Parrot Anafi USA: £2,899 on Parrot’s official website

5. Yuneec Typhoon H Plus:

A professional-grade drone with a 20-megapixel camera capable of shooting 4K video at 60 frames per second. It has a 3-axis gimbal and obstacle avoidance technology.

The Potensic Dreamer Pro is a high-quality drone with a 4K camera and a 3-axis gimbal for stable footage. It features advanced obstacle avoidance technology, long flight time, and multiple intelligent flight modes.


  • High-quality camera with 4K video and 20 MP still photos
  • 3-axis gimbal for stable footage
  • Obstacle avoidance technology
  • Long-range remote control


  • May be difficult to set up and fly for beginners
  • Some users have reported issues with the quality of the camera
  • No dedicated remote controller is included in the package

Features and specifications:

  • Camera: 4K video at 60 fps and 20 MP still photos
  • Gimbal: 3-axis mechanical gimbal
  • Flight time: up to 28 minutes
  • Control range: up to 1.6 km
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors: Front, rear, left, right, and bottom obstacle avoidance
  • Weight: 1.9 kg


  • Yuneec Typhoon H Plus: £1,199 on Yuneec’s official website

6. Holy Stone HS700D:

An affordable drone with a 2K camera that can still produce high-quality images and videos. It has a 2-axis gimbal and can fly for up to 22 minutes.

The DJI Mavic Air 2 is a compact and lightweight drone with a 4K camera and a 3-axis gimbal. It features advanced obstacle avoidance technology, a long battery life, and a range of intelligent flight modes.


  • An affordable option for a 4K drone with a gimbal camera
  • High-quality camera with 4K video and 8 MP still photos
  • 2-axis gimbal for stable footage
  • Long-range remote control


  • Some users have reported issues with the quality of the camera
  • May not be as portable as other drones in its class
  • Limited range of motion on the gimbal compared to other drones

Features and specifications:

  • Camera: 4K video and 8 MP still photos
  • Gimbal: 2-axis mechanical gimbal
  • Flight time: up to 22 minutes
  • Control range: up to 1 km
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors: None
  • Weight: 0.65 kg


  • Holy Stone HS700D: £259.99 on Amazon UK

7. Potensic Dreamer Pro:

A drone with a 4K camera that can shoot 4K video at 30 frames per second. It has a 3-axis gimbal and can fly for up to 31 minutes. The Parrot Anafi is a portable and lightweight drone with a 4K camera and a 3-axis gimbal.

It features a unique 180-degree tilt gimbal, long battery life, and advanced image stabilization technology.


  • High-quality camera with 4K video and 16 MP still photos
  • 3-axis gimbal for stable footage
  • Long-range remote control
  • Multiple flight modes, including waypoint and orbit modes


  • No obstacle avoidance technology is included in the package
  • Limited control range compared to some other drones in its class
  • May be difficult to set up and fly for beginners

Features and specifications:

  • Camera: 4K video and 16 MP still photos
  • Gimbal: 3-axis mechanical gimbal
  • Flight time: up to 31 minutes
  • Control range: up to 2 km
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors: Front and bottom obstacle avoidance
  • Weight: 0.75 kg


  • Potensic Dreamer Pro: £599.99 on Potensic official website or £539.99 on Amazon UK.

These are just a few of the many 4K drones with gimbal camera options available on the market. When choosing a drone, consider your specific needs and budget to find the right drone for you.

Note that prices may vary depending on the retailer, promotions, and availability. It’s always a good idea to compare prices from different retailers and read reviews before making a purchase.

Consider Important Factors While Buying a 4k Drone With a Gimbal Camera:

When buying a 4K drone with a gimbal camera, there are several important factors to consider to ensure that you choose the right drone for your needs. Here are some of the most important factors to consider:

  • Camera quality
  • Flight time
  • Range and control
  • Obstacle avoidance and GPS
  • Portability and size
  • Price and value for money
  • User reviews and ratings

1. Camera quality:

Look for a drone with a high-quality camera that is capable of shooting 4K video and has a gimbal for stabilization. Make sure the camera has a wide-angle lens and adjustable settings for different lighting conditions.

2. Flight time:

Check the drone’s battery life and flight time to make sure it will meet your needs. A drone with a longer flight time will allow you to capture more footage without having to land and recharge the battery.

3. Range and control:

Consider the drone’s control range and how far it can fly from the controller. Look for drones that have long-range control and reliable connectivity.

4. Obstacle avoidance and GPS:

Some drones come with obstacle avoidance sensors and GPS technology to help prevent collisions and make flying easier and safer.

5. Portability and size:

Consider the drone’s size and portability if you plan to travel with it. Look for a drone that is lightweight and easy to transport.

6. Price and value for money:

Consider the drone’s price and whether it offers good value for money. Look for drones that offer a good balance of features and performance for the price.

7. User reviews and ratings:

Read user reviews and ratings from other drone owners to get an idea of the drone’s performance, reliability, and ease of use.

By considering these factors, you can choose a 4K drone with a gimbal camera that meets your needs and helps you capture stunning aerial footage.


Choosing the best drone with a 4K camera and gimbal depends on your specific needs and preferences.

However, based on the features, specifications, and price point, the DJI Mavic Air 2 stands out as a great choice for both beginners and professionals.

It offers advanced obstacle avoidance technology, long battery life, a range of intelligent flight modes, and a compact and lightweight design.

Additionally, it’s more affordable than some of the other high-end drones in its class, making it a great value for the price.

Check our list!









Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about drones with 4K cameras and gimbals:

1. What is a 4K camera?

A 4K camera is a type of camera that can capture video or photos with a resolution of 3840×2160 pixels, which is four times the resolution of 1080p HD.

2. What is a gimbal?

A gimbal is a device that stabilizes a camera or other object by keeping it level and steady, even when the object is moving. In drones, gimbals are often used to keep the camera stable during flight.

3. What is obstacle avoidance technology?

Obstacle avoidance technology is a feature in some drones that allows the drone to detect and avoid obstacles in its path, such as trees, buildings, or other drones.

4. What is the flight time of a drone?

The flight time of a drone refers to how long it can fly on a single battery charge. This can vary depending on the drone and its specifications but typically ranges from 15-30 minutes.

5. Do I need a license to fly a drone with a 4K camera and gimbal?

In many countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States, you may need a license or certification to fly a drone commercially or in certain locations. It’s important to check the regulations in your area before flying a drone.

6. Can I use a drone with a 4K camera and gimbal for photography and videography?

Yes, drones with 4K cameras and gimbals are commonly used for aerial photography and videography. They can capture stunning footage from unique angles and perspectives.

7. How much do drones with 4K cameras and gimbals cost?

The price of a drone with a 4K camera and gimbal can vary widely depending on the brand, specifications, and features. They can range from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds.

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