Chinese cabbage salad with mayonnaise

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Chinese cabbage salad with mayonnaise

I would like to share with you a dish that is both wonderful and fresh, and it is ideal for the spring season. It is my favourite Chinese cabbage salad with mayonnaise. In addition to being crisp and refreshing, it is the ideal accompaniment to any supper!

Chinese cabbage salad with mayonnaise can be a tasty dish, but it’s important to consider both the benefits and potential drawbacks of such a preparation:


  1. Nutrient-Rich Ingredients: Chinese cabbage (also known as Napa cabbage) is low in calories and rich in vitamins (such as vitamin C, K, and folate) and minerals (including calcium and potassium).
  2. Healthy Fats: Mayonnaise, when consumed in moderation, provides healthy fats from its vegetable oils (like soybean oil), which can contribute to heart health and provide energy.
  3. Flavor and Texture: Mayonnaise adds creaminess and flavor to the salad, making it more appealing and enjoyable to eat, which can encourage consumption of vegetables.
  4. Quick and Easy: Chinese cabbage salad with mayonnaise is easy to prepare and can be a convenient way to incorporate vegetables into your diet.


  1. High in Calories: Mayonnaise is calorie-dense due to its fat content. Consuming large amounts can contribute to excess calorie intake, potentially leading to weight gain if not balanced with physical activity.
  2. High in Fat and Sodium: Commercial mayonnaise often contains added salt and may have a high sodium content, which can be detrimental to those with high blood pressure or cardiovascular issues.
  3. Potential for Unhealthy Ingredients: Some mayonnaise brands may contain unhealthy additives or preservatives. Choosing a healthier option, such as homemade mayonnaise or varieties with fewer additives, can mitigate this concern.
  4. Risk of Masking Nutrient Benefits: While the salad itself offers vitamins and minerals from the cabbage, excessive mayonnaise might overshadow these benefits and reduce the overall nutritional value per serving.

Tips for a Healthier Chinese Cabbage Salad with Mayonnaise:

  • Use Moderation: Limit the amount of mayonnaise used to dress the salad to reduce calorie and fat intake.
  • Choose a Healthier Mayonnaise: Opt for low-fat or olive oil-based mayonnaise, or consider making your own mayonnaise using healthier oils like olive oil or avocado oil.
  • Add Variety: Include other colorful vegetables or fruits in the salad to increase nutrient diversity and flavor without relying solely on mayonnaise.
  • Balance with Proteins: Incorporate lean proteins such as grilled chicken or tofu to make the salad more balanced and satisfying.


  1. 1 Chinese cabbage, with a medium size, shreddeda single carrot, grated and coarsely grated apple, one apple, finely 1 teaspoon of chives that have been chopped
  2. 1 shallot, chopped very finely Sauce:
  3. Mayonnaise three tablespoons in total
  4. One tablespoon of mustard made with Dijon
  5. 3% vinegar, one tablespoon of vinegar
  6. Sugar, one teaspoon’s worth
  7. To taste, season with salt and pepper


  1. In a large bowl, combine all of the ingredients for the salads. Mix all of the ingredients for the sauce together in a separate bowl. The next step is to incorporate both sets of ingredients, continuing to stir until everything is harmoniously blended. A voila! Your salad is almost ready to be served!

In conclusion, while Chinese cabbage salad with mayonnaise can be a delicious addition to your meal, it’s important to be mindful of portion sizes and ingredient choices to maximize its health benefits.


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