Frutti di Mare Seafood Salad

Frutti di Mare Seafood Salad The Italian mixed seafood salad known as frutti di mare, found in deli counters across the nation, varies greatly in quality from terrible to delicious.

There was an Italian deli in Babylon back when I lived on Long Island, and they created a frutti di mare so good, it’s stuck in my memory for years.

Why was it so excellent?

The key to a great seafood salad is the choice of seafood and the freshness of the ingredients. I recall hard, briny prawns, calamari that melted in your mouth, and a mixture of small clams and scallops that were so buttery that I always kept them for the very last taste.

20 minutes for preparation
Cooking Time 20 minutes
COMPLETE TIME Forty minutes
SERVINGS: six to eight portions

Recipe by: simplyrecipes


Make careful to follow the instructions exactly so that the broth is rich and flavorful and all the seafood is cooked to perfection.
While the poaching broth steeps, you have time to prepare the vegetables, so you can do it now or wait until you’re ready to cook.

It’s preferable to create this seafood salad a few hours ahead of time, but no more than three or four hours. If you have any leftovers, put them in a firmly sealed container and refrigerate for no more than one or two days. Toss the entire salad if the leftovers begin to smell fishy.


Ingredients For Reicpe:

What’s in the poaching broth:

  1. Four cups of water
  2. One cup of chicken stock or dry white wine
  3. Two kosher salt tsp and two to three bay leaves
  4. One teaspoon of finely powdered black pepper
  5. one little onion, thinly sliced

Regarding the salad:

  1. Two celery ribs, sliced thinly
  2. One large sliced bell pepper, either yellow or orange
  3. One pound of chopped and seeded tomatoes
  4. Half a cup of finely chopped chives
  5. One pound of tiny cocktail prawns
  6. One pound of tiny, shelled clams
  7. Half-pound bay scallops
  8. Cut half a pound of calamari into rings.
  9. 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil of the highest calibre, or more to taste
  10. One or two lemons juiced
  11. To taste, add freshly ground black pepper and kosher salt.


  • To prepare the poaching broth, combine all the ingredients in a medium pot, cover, and heat until they boil. While you chop the vegetables, turn off the heat to allow the flavours to develop.
  • Prepare the salad veggies: If you haven’t previously, prepare the vegetables while the poaching broth steeps. Chop the yellow pepper, remove the seeds from the tomatoes, and thinly slice the celery ribs. Finely chop the chives. Extract the lemon juice and discard the seeds. Add the chopped celery, tomatoes, and peppers to a large bowl. Since most cocktail prawns have already been cleaned and cooked, you can also add them to the bowl.
  • To poach the clams,return the stock to a boil and add each and every clam. Boil until all of the clams open up, around 3 to 4 minutes. Catch each clam as soon as you notice it opening, then remove and set away. Take out the meat, then add it to the bowl with veggies.
  • Scallop poaching: Remove the scallops from the heat source and place them in the poaching liquid. After covering the pot, wait three to four minutes. Scallops should be fished out and added to the bowl.
  • In order to poach the calamari rings, return the broth to a boil. Put the calamari rings in the pot and boil for 30 to 1 minute. Then, drain the contents onto a colander over a basin. The broth can be thrown out or saved. After selecting every calamari ring, place it in the bowl.
  • Arrange the salad: Finally, stir in half of the lemon juice, a little salt, and the olive oil. Blend thoroughly and taste. Add additional lemon, salt, and olive oil until the desired flavours are achieved. The salad needs to be lemony, acidic, and briny with lots of oil. Stir in the chives lastly, then refrigerate. A few hours after making, this salad tastes even better.


318 Calories 11g Fat 28g Carbohydrates 25g Protein

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