This plant is a gift from God

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This plant is a gift from God

This plant is a gift from God: it repels mice, spiders, and other insects from your home 

We are immediately tempted to throw open all the windows in our home when the temperature starts to rise. Furthermore, it’s an open invitation to any pest that ever dreams of breaking into your house! However, did you know that this easy-to-grow shrub might drive out all of those trespassers?

The majority of insects detest peppermint scents. Insects that are hazardous to the vegetable garden, like moths, ants, flies, mosquitoes, and spiders, are repelled by the potent scent of mint.

Apart from its delightful aroma that fills our senses and entices us, peppermint has countless benefits for both bodily and mental well-being. Its antidote to a wide range of ailments is its ability to induce calmness and relaxation. health and wellness. Here’s a quick and low-cost approach you may attempt to get rid of mice and insects in your home and enhance the quality of the air within.


⭐0.5 liters of unadulterated, filtered water

⭐Ten drops of essential peppermint oil

⭐a spotless spray bottle

◾Getting Ready

⭐Fill the spray bottle with water.

⭐Add ten drops of essential peppermint oil.


Apply your concoction to every room in your home, paying particular attention to those where you have already seen signs of rodent and insect activity.

Insects hate peppermint.

In fact, the stick bug use a milky substance it can emit from behind its head that fills the air with the scent of peppermint. The bug uses this to fight off predators, as the scent is an unbearable irritant to most insects.

Using Peppermint Around the Home

If you have spiders, ants, mosquitoes and other bugs around your home, try using peppermint oil. The scent may also help keep mice away.

To get started, pick up some peppermint oil at your local health or grocery store. Look for 100-percent pure peppermint oil with no additives.

Next, try putting a little peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place the ball in an area where you often see insects, such as on a window sill or near a door. The scent should detour insects in the area. If this doesn’t work, then try bug bombs for pest control.

Make a Diffuser

Try mixing a few drops of peppermint oil with some hot water and place it in a spray bottle. A good ratio is 5 to 10 drops of essential oil per ounce of water. Use the mixture to spray down countertops, furniture, curtains and blinds and hard-to-reach areas of the home where insects are often present. Always test in a small area first to make sure the oil doesn’t damage the items you want to spray.

Store the diffuser in your refrigerator to make the scent last longer.

HEALTH Benefits Of Peppermint

You can also use the mixture on your skin if you’re planning to be outside, but be sure to do a test on your skin first since some people with sensitive skin may find the oil irritating.

Mint is an herb that can be grown practically anywhere, even in your own backyard! All you need is some soil and good drainage. However, this herb naturally grows along meadows, riverbanks, and marshes reaching heights up to 36 inches tall.

there are tons of health benefits that go along with it! Check them out here:

Aids Digestion:

Mint can help most, if not all, stomach problems you may be dealing with. Menthol, the active oil found in mint leaves contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help relieve digestive problems. For example, if you deal with irritable bowel syndrome, peppermint oil has been found to help with its symptoms. Another example would be indigestion. Menthol was found to help speed up digestion and relieve any symptoms that go along with indigestion.

Packed with Nutrients:

Mint is a tiny powerhouse. Although usually eaten in small amounts, contains many rich nutrients, including fiber, vitamin A, iron, manganese, and folate. It’s also jam-packed with antioxidants that protect you from free radicals that can be causing harm to your body. Because of its fiber and iron, it’ll help keep your digestive system running smoothly and make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need to stay healthy.


The menthol found in mint works as a decongestant. When helping relieve symptoms of asthma, mucus that is built up in the lungs will loosen and the swollen membranes in the nose shrink, allowing for easier breathing. When relieving symptoms of asthma, you can do this with natural leaves or an essential oil.

Boosts Immune system:

Other nutrients that mint contains include phosphorus, calcium, and vitamins C, D, and E, which all work together to build a strong immune system. Ingesting mint leaves can leave you feeling healthier and help with any other ailments such as digestive problems, asthma, and other sicknesses.

Helps Fight the Common Cold:

Ever wondered why your Vicks Vapor Rub was scented with mint? You guessed it! As stated with asthma, mint reduces congestion. While clearing congestion in your nose, throat, and lungs, its anti-inflammatory properties also help with a cough that can be causing irritation.

Brain Boost:

Ingesting mint and using essential oils of mint has been found to help improve brain function. One study found that those who smelled peppermint oil before a test improved their memory. Another study found that smelling peppermint oil while driving increased focus and decreased stress, fatigue, and frustration.

Helps Cure Headaches:

Menthol has been found to ease pain. With this, mint is a great way to relieve yourself of headaches that can be causing discomfort. In fact, peppermint is one of the most common essential oils for headaches. A study was done to find the effect of peppermint oil on acute headaches and the results are promising.

Acne Reduction:

Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, mint is a great way to calm your skin of any irritated acne. Containing high amounts of natural salicylic acid, these are great properties that help fight against blemishes. Studies have been done to see the effectiveness of mint on acne, and positive conclusions have been drawn.

Oral Care:

We all know that the most common flavor for oral hygiene products is mint! Mint toothpaste, flavored floss, mouthwash, tablets, and gum are all great ways to get your breath back in check after eating some powerful-smelling foods. Helping with oral problems such as ‘halitosis’ (bad breath), mint has been found as a great option for helping this problem.

Soothes Breastfeeding Discomfort:

When breastfeeding, many women can experience pain due to sore nipples. Studies conducted have found the benefits of mint on those who are breastfeeding. One example would be a study that found that applying peppermint water to the nipples after breastfeeding helps relieve any pain- better than applying breast milk around the area (a common aid). Continuing, another study found pain and nipple cracks decreased with those who used mint essential oils on the area.

1 thought on “This plant is a gift from God”

  1. I’ve recommended Japanese mint oil for headaches, and clearing sinuses. Barbara, what would you suggest for arthritic in the hands. I’ve been adding frankincense to my coconut hand lotion, I do gain temporary relief. Any tips would be appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Tammy Phoenix


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