Greek lamb kleftiko Recipe

Greek lamb kleftiko Recipe:)

Greek lamb kleftiko is a classic dish made from slow-roasted lamb cooked with potatoes and vegetables in parchment paper. This simple recipe makes an amazing dinner. It is something I reserve for exceptional events when I want to add something spectacular to supper. This dish for Greek lamb kleftiko is a great way to wow your dinner guests because it’s delicious and visually appealing.

What’s in Kleftiko Lamb?
This rustic Greek lamb recipe consists of lamb, veggies, and marinade (including seasoning). Cheese, such as blocks of feta, is frequently added as a last touch. Let’s go over the ingredients you’ll need to prepare this recipe:

  • Lamb: We use boneless leg of lamb in this dish. It’s a little bit easier to work with and can be found in most grocery stores. Legs of lamb with the bones can also be used; just give it a little extra time to simmer. Here, lamb shank or shoulder portions are also excellent choices.
  • Big pieces of potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions are examples of vegetables. Size matters because, as you will recall, the vegetables and lamb will be cooking for hours.
  • Garlic, white wine, lemon juice, dried thyme, dried oregano, dried parsley, and Dijon mustard are used as marinade and seasoning ingredients. The finest broth to use is either vegetable or beef broth. You can also use homemade Italian seasoning in place of the herbs I used.
  1. One 3 ½-pound boneless leg of lamb that has been stripped of any excess fat.
  2. Two and a half tablespoons of dried oregano.
  3. One tablespoon of dried thyme split
  4. One tablespoon of divided dried parsley.
  5. One tablespoon of Dijon mustard.
  6. One tablespoon of Kosher salt and black pepper.
  7. Ten minced garlic cloves, one lemon’s juice.
  8. One tablespoon of red wine vinegar.
  9. One-fourth of a cup of white wine.
  10. I used Greek Private Reserve extra virgin olive oil.
  11. 4 to 5 large russet potatoes, around 3 pounds, peeled and quartered.
  12. One large red onion, chopped into large chunks
  13. Two large tomatoes, cut into thick wedges.
  14. One large sweet bell pepper, cored and cut into large chunks.
  15. One-half cup vegetable or beef broth; four ounces of optionally chopped feta cheese

Steps to Make Kleftiko Lamb:

  1. Marinate and season the lamb. First, take off the fat cap, which is the lamb’s top coat of fat. Your task then becomes ensuring that the lamb has a plenty of flavour! Apply a generous amount of fresh garlic and the dried herbs (parsley, thyme, and oregano) over the entire lamb’s exterior. Additionally, season with kosher salt, black pepper, and approximately one tablespoon of Dijon mustard. To really pack in the seasoning, I prefer to cut slits all over the leg of lamb. Transfer lamb to a large basin and toss with ½ cup white wine, lemon juice, red wine vinegar, and quality olive oil (this marinade will cook the lamb). Place the lamb down.
  2. Prepare and add seasoning to the veggies. Dice the bell peppers (any colour would do), potatoes, red onions, and tomatoes into big wedges or chunks. To ensure that the vegetables endure the lengthy cooking process, keep them in large chunks. Added a generous teaspoon of kosher salt and black pepper, along with the dried herbs that were used to season the lamb, to the vegetables.
  3. Wrap the lamb and vegetables in parchment. A sizable roasting pan with parchment paper placed inside is required. Ensure that the parchment paper extends well over all edges of the pan and lines the bottom. Include the vegetables. After positioning the lamb atop the veggies, cover everything with the marinade that was in the bowl. The lamb is resting on the vegetables. Pour in a small amount of broth and cover everything securely with the parchment. To trap the vegetables and lamb on all sides, fold the parchment over and seal it tightly.
  4. Roast in an oven set to 375°F. It takes about three and a half to four hours in the oven to get tender lamb kleftiko. A fork can be used to very carefully verify (it should fall apart easily). When the lamb is cooked all the way through, fold the paper into the pan and briefly broil it. It’s optional, but adding this will provide some colour to the lamb. This is also the time to add some feta cheese slabs.
    Have some rest! Before serving, take the lamb out of the oven and allow it to rest for at least 20 to 30 minutes.

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