Mediterranean Frittata Recipe

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 Mediterranean Frittata Recipe

Mediterranean Frittata recipe is healthy and packed full of veggies & protein. It’s easy to make and perfect for brunch, lunch, or dinner.

What is Frittata?

Frittata is an egg dish in between a quiche and an omelette. The main differences are that a Frittata doesn’t have any pastry or crust that you typically find with a quiche.

Its also slow-cooked on a lower heat compared to an omelette which is cooked much faster on high heat.

It’s a great way to sneak in vegetables and it’s versatile as it can be eaten as breakfast or as a main meal.

perfect example as it’s quite healthy being packed full of veggies & protein. It’s also super easy to make and will keep in the fridge for up to 4-5 days making it great for meal prep, well that’s if it lasts that long!


 Servings: 8

Prep Time: 5 mins

Cook Time: 22 mins

Total Time: 27 mins




▢10 free-range eggs

▢150 g baby or English spinach

▢200 g cherry tomatoes

▢1 small red onion

▢60 g kalamata olives

▢60 g feta cheese

▢1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

▢1 teaspoon dried oregano

▢Olive oil spray




  1. Preheat oven to 220°C/425°F and spray an oven dish with olive oil, making sure to spray the sides and edges.
  2. Prepare vegetables by slicing cherry tomatoes in halves, red onion into small cubes, olives in halves, and roughly chop the spinach
  3. Crack all the eggs into a large bowl and whisk until well combined.
  4. Add the olives and crumble in ¾ of the feta cheese.
  5. On medium heat, sauté the onion in a pan with olive oil.
  6. Once translucent, add cherry tomatoes and season with oregano. Once they have a nice sear, add the spinach and cook together for 1 minute.
  7. Remove from the heat and add to the bowl with the remaining ingredients
  8. With a spoon, mix together quickly so the eggs don’t scramble and start to cook.
  9. Pour mixture into the greased oven dish ensuring its level and evenly spread.
  10. Crumble over the remaining feta cheese then place in the oven to cook for 22-25 minutes. Check that it is cooked all the way through by sticking a toothpick in to make sure it comes out clean.
  11. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool down and set for at least 10 minutes. Once rested, slice and enjoy for brunch, lunch or any time of the day!



Important Tips:

  • Always preheat the oven, this will reduce your cooking time
  • Make sure to have the eggs mixed first and all the prep done before you start cooking
  • Don’t cut the tomatoes too small as they can become mushy when cooked. If you have very small cherry tomatoes, you can leave them whole
  • When sautéing the vegetables, only cook them lightly as they will continue cooking in the oven so you don’t want them overcooked
  • Ensure to mix the cooked vegetables into the egg mixture quickly as they can scramble and start cooking from the heat of the vegetables
  • Check that the frittata is cooked by sticking a toothpick into the centre once removed from the oven. It should come out clean. If your oven strength isn’t very strong, you may need to cook for the full term of 25 minutes.
  • Make sure to let the frittata cool down for at least 10 minutes inside the oven dish so that it sets. The eggs will continue to cook at this time
  • I like to slice all pieces evenly once cooked and store them in a glass air tight container. That way it’s ready to pick up and eat each day without any time or hassle
  • It will keep in the fridge up to 4-5 days

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