AIR FRYER AVOCADO MELT An easy yet incredibly delicious combination of crispy bread, creamy avocado, and oozy cheese is the Air Fryer Avocado Melt. It’s an easy, guilt-free treat that may be had for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It’s also a great option for a quick family dinner or a single indulgence.

This recipe’s simplicity is what makes it so beautiful. Ripe avocados, your preferred bread, and a meltable cheese, such as mozzarella or cheddar, are required. I like to use Provolone or Swiss cheese. If you want to be fancy, you may add some crispy bacon bits or tomato slices. Choosing an avocado that is perfectly ripe but still slightly firm is essential, as the heat from the air fryer will cause it to become even softer. This will prevent the avocado from becoming mushy.

SET UP TIME: Five minutes

To Cook: Five minutes
COMPLETE TIME: Ten minutes
Snack and Course-Side Dish
Two portions
285 kcal of calories

Recipe By: Daily yum


  1. Two bread pieces I made multigrain wheat bread.
  2. One ripe avocado
  3. Two pieces of Provolone cheese Alternately, use your preferred slices of cheese, such as Cheddar, Mozzarella, Havarti, or Pepper Jack.
  4. I added ½ teaspoon of salt and pepper to taste.
  5. I used 1 teaspoon of seasoning, specifically Italian seasoning.
  6. Optimal garnishes: slices of tomato


  • Set your air fryer to 180°C, or 350°F.
  • Pick out your bread: Rye, a robust whole grain, or classic sourdough are all excellent choices.
  • To prepare the avocado, cut it in half, remove the pit, and scoop out the meat to place on the bread. You are welcome to mash it in for a smoother texture. Season with salt and pepper to taste. You are welcome to add any seasoning you like. Italian Seasoning was what I used.
  • Spread your preferred cheese on it. In this instance, more is more because the melted cheese will give your avocado that delicious gooey element and help hold it in place. I adore using Swiss or Provolone cheese.
  • Add extra toppings: Before the last layer of cheese, top with some sliced tomatoes or a sprinkling of bacon if you’re feeling really hungry.
  • Air fry to perfection: Preheat the air fryer to 350°F (175°C). Place your creation inside. For five to six minutes, place the sandwich in the air fryer (air crisp) to make the bread crispy and the avocado melted, gooey, and golden.


The Air Fryer Grilled Avocado Melt allows you to showcase your culinary inventiveness, which is one of its many delights.

  • The Spice Route: To give it a little kick, add a dash of cayenne or your preferred hot sauce.
  • The Green Goddess: To add even more veggies, load up on some fresh baby spinach.
  • The Mediterranean Dream: Replace the cheese with feta and the tomato with some olives or sun-dried tomatoes.

Nutrient serving: one serving; 285 kcal of calories

19g of carbohydrates Protein (10g) and Fat (21g) Six grams of saturated fat 3g of polyunsaturated fat 11g of monounsaturated fat Trans Fat: 0.01% 13 mg of cholesterol 675 mg of sodium 573 milligrammes of potassium8g of fibre 2g of sugar 611 IU of vitamin A 10 mg of vitamin C 194 milligrammes of calcium Iron: two milligrammes




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