Using this recipe for chilli chicken thighs in an air fryer, you can get a highly crispy chicken without resorting to deep frying. After giving your chicken thighs a dry rub, air fried them for around sixteen minutes, turning them over on the halfway point. This is how easy it is.
You and we both like air-frying chicken thighs, just as we do. This is one of the most well-liked recipes that we have for the air fryer, and a great number of you have given it a perfect score and have prepared it on several occasions.
If you are accustomed to preparing chicken thighs by baking them or grilling them in order to get a lovely and crispy texture, the air fryer is going to completely transform your relationship with chicken thighs. I am not exaggerating when I say that they are extremely crisp!
Additionally, the greatest part is that when you cook chicken thighs in an air fryer, you do not need to use a significant amount of oil as you would when you deep fried them. Instead of using a drizzle, you just use a very little amount of it and let the air fryer to do the job!