Easy Tasty Mushrooms In The Air Fryer

Easy Tasty Mushrooms In The Air Fryer

If you love mushrooms the way I love mushrooms, then you’ve got to make these sliced air fryer mushrooms with paprika. And even if you’re not a mushroom lover, trust me, when you try them air-fried like this, you’ll feel like you’ve been missing out. These come out so unique it’s hard not to eat them all up!

This super simple recipe of air fryer mushrooms requires sliced mushrooms (well, hello), paprika, olive oil, onion powder, garlic powder, dry thyme, salt, and pepper! Making mushrooms in your air fryer is undoubtedly one of the easiest ways to create mushrooms. It produces the best-tasting mushroom ever in a matter of minutes! You can eat air-fried mushrooms as a mindless snack or add them to salads and bowls.

SETUP TIME: 15 minutes

TIME TO COOK: 12 minutes

TIME AVERAGE: 22 minutes

Yield: six portions

Dietary: vegan

Ingredients For Easy Tasty Mushrooms In The Air Fryer:

  1. 20 oz (1 pound) of mushrooms
  2. Two teaspoons of EVOO, or extra virgin olive oil
  3. One tablespoon of powdered onion
  4. One tablespoon to two tablespoons of paprika
  5. One tsp powdered garlic
  6. One tsp dried thyme
  7. A tsp of salt (adjust according to taste)
  8. A ¼–½ teaspoon of black pepper
  9. A single tiny Maggi cube or a teaspoon of vegetable Knorr broth

Instructions For Easy Tasty Mushrooms In The Air Fryer:

  • Prepare and tidy up. The first step is to clean the mushrooms. You want to give them a thorough wash and drying. To be honest, I save time by usually purchasing them already sliced, pre-washed, and ready to cook. You can skip this step and continue with the recipe if you also purchase them pre-washed. Additionally, I occasionally slice whole mushrooms before air-frying them.
    Cut. Cut your mushrooms into halves. If you didn’t purchase them already cut, move on to the next step.
  • Get the air fryer ready. When cooking mushrooms in an air fryer, you must always preheat. This guarantees that your mushrooms will cook to the ideal texture. The air fryer should be set for 12 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. To begin preheating it, press the preheat button. Once it’s warmed, you’ll hear a beeping sound, which is when you add the mushrooms!
  • Give the sliced mushrooms some seasoning. Place your sliced mushrooms in a large basin, drizzle with olive oil, and toss to coat while the air fryer preheats. Add the dry thyme, onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, salt, paprika, and Maggi after that. Toss or mix with a spatula. Don’t forget to season each mushroom!
  • Fry the mushrooms by air. Cook the seasoned mushrooms for 12 minutes after adding them to the air fryer basket. Make sure they are not too crowded. Try to arrange them in a single layer.
  • Turn or Toss Midway and Continue Cooking. Toss the mushrooms and mist with avocado cooking spray halfway through the cooking time. Add freshly chopped parsley as a garnish when they’re finished. Warm up and pair with your preferred main courses.


  • Avoid packing the fryer basket too full. Cook these in batches as needed.
  • Make sure to flip or turn halfway during cooking. The mushrooms won’t cook evenly if they don’t.
  • The salt in the spices may cause the mushrooms to wilt, so don’t leave them on the mushrooms for too long. That’s why you season the mushrooms during the preheating phase of the air fryer!
  • Make sure to thoroughly dry the mushrooms before adding any seasonings if you don’t purchase them already cleaned. Utilise paper towels for drying.
  • Depending on how big or little the mushroom slices are in thickness, your cooking time may vary.
  • Use the spices and herbs you enjoy!
  • Note that I like my mushroom recipes to taste better, thus I prefer to slice my mushrooms or use presliced mushrooms since the seasoning really gets into the mushrooms. However, you can definitely cook your mushrooms whole if you don’t want to slice them.

Facts about Nutrition Serving Size One:

serving 4, Amount Per Serving: 104% Daily Value of Calories, 7.7g/10% of Total Fat, Cholesterol 0 mg 0%, 300.5 mg of sodium13%, 7.5g~3% of total carbohydrates, Food Fibre 2.3g/8%, Sweets Protein 4.9g/10% 3.1g, Vitamins C4% and A3%Vitamin D3%, Iron 8%, Calcium 2%Zinc8% Potassium 11%Phosphorus (11%).Vitamin B1 (thiamin) 11%B2)45% riboflavinB3)33% niacinB612% of vitaminB9 Folic Acid (B9)7%Vitamin,, B122%, Vitamin E3%, Vitamin K7%
This is only an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator. Always listen to a professional nutritionist/dietician for nutritional advice.

Recipe By: Nkechi Ajaeroh

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