Place 1 piece under the orchid

Place 1 piece under the orchid! Suddenly grows 100 branches and blooms all year round

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Those who love plants love orchids for their delicate beauty. Although maintaining the health and lifespan of your orchids may sometimes be difficult, there are a few easy tips you can follow to keep them flourishing. Today, I’m going to provide a simple technique for encouraging healthy orchid development that uses common home products.

After eating the fruit, banana peels are often thrown away, although they are a great source of nutrients, particularly organic potassium, which is good for orchid development. Slice the peels thinly and put them in a jar rather than discarding them. Add a slice of bread (which provides phosphorus to promote root development), a teaspoon of yeast (which aids in decomposition), and a tablespoon of sugar (which feeds helpful bacteria) to make a nutrient-rich fertiliser. After adding 500 millilitres of warm water to the mixture, put it in a cool spot for three weeks.

Composting for three weeks will provide a fantastic fertiliser that is ready for usage. 50ml of fertiliser should be diluted with two litres of water. To efficiently utilise this fertiliser, there are three methods:

Fertilisation of the roots: Use 5–10 spoons of this solution every week to water each orchid container. This fertiliser increases water retention, boosts plant health, and supplies potassium, which helps the plant absorb nutrients more effectively.
Leaf Spray: To efficiently replenish nutrients, mist the leaves with the solution. This supports healthy development by fortifying and nourishing the leaves. Aerial roots may better absorb nutrients from the atmosphere when the solution is sprayed on them. Use this technique once a week, ideally first thing in the morning.
Leaf Washing: Every two weeks, wash the leaves with the solution. The solution’s beneficial microorganisms will keep your orchids healthy and bright by efficiently fending against insects and mould.
Your orchids will continue to be green and healthy after fertilising, with robust flower buds. The blossoms may linger on the stems for up to six months after they bloom.

Let’s now discuss how to revive a poor orchid. There is still hope for an orchid to survive even after it has lost all of its leaves and is reduced to just a stem and roots. To stop water from seeping in, start by trimming out any rotting or damaged roots and sealing the incisions with melted candle wax. Next, make a solution by adding two teaspoons of powdered cinnamon to one litre of boiling water. Soak the orchids in this solution for half an hour after they have cooled.

To guarantee enough moisture absorption in the roots, transplant the orchids using pine bark and dry pumice stone after soaking. After covering the orchid’s surface with some dry moss, leave it in a cool, well-ventilated spot for seven days. Following this time, keep the plant wet by misting it with water and covering it with a transparent plastic container with a vent.

You should start to see new sprouts appearing in three weeks or so. To keep the sprouts wet, keep spraying them with water once every five days. Your orchid ought to be well on its way to recovering after two months.

You can make sure that your orchids are healthy and vibrant by adhering to these easy strategies. Please remember to subscribe for additional useful advice and to share this information with other orchid aficionados. Happy gardening and best of luck!

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