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Savory Hand Pies - EASY RECIPES

Savory Hand Pies

Table of Contents

Savory Hand Pies

Warm and flaky, these flavourful hand pies provide the perfect comfort food on a cold day. These delicious hand pies are made with a rich and saucy beef mixture, cooked with chopped potatoes and veggies, wrapped into store-bought puff pastry, and baked till golden! They make a perfect light meal or convenient lunch.

These golden, flaky hand pies are made with a rich filling of diced potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, peas, and ground beef. They are then wrapped in high-quality, store-bought puff pastry and are a delightfully hot, rustic little bite to curl up with!

Type: Entree

American cuisine

8 hands in yield pies

Details about Nutrition: 690 calories per hand pie.

Twenty minutes for preparation (not including cooling time for filling).
One hour is needed for cooking.
In all, one hour and twenty minutes


Ingredients Savory Hand Pies:

  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • One spoonful of unsalted butter
  • One medium white onion, chopped finely
  • One carrot, peeled and chopped finely
  • One rib celery, chopped finely
  • Salt
  • Pepper, black
  • Four garlic cloves crushed in a garlic press
  • 1 pound of ground beef with a lean-to-fat ratio of 85/15
  • One-half teaspoon of Italian spice
  • One-half teaspoon of white pepper
  • One spoonful of pasted tomatoes
  • Two tsp of Worcestershire sauce
  • Three level teaspoons of flour (all purpose)
  • 1/4 cup beef broth or stock
  • One medium russet potato, chopped into ¼-½-inch cubes after peeling.
  • Two tsp of fresh thyme leaves, plus additional for decoration
  • One tablespoon of parsley, chopped finely
  • Half a cup green beans
  • Two packets (17.3 oz each) of frozen puff pastry sheets
  • One whisked egg for the egg wash
  • Flakes of salt, optional

Starting with the ingredients list above, start by gathering and preparing all of your ingredients (keeping the puff pastry sheets frozen, though).

Instructions For Savory Hand Pies:

  • Add the olive oil and butter to a large, deep skillet or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. After melting the butter, add the celery, carrot, and onion along with a generous amount of salt and pepper. Sauté the vegetables for a few minutes, or until they are just starting to soften.
  • Once the garlic is aromatic, add the ground beef, Italian seasoning, white pepper, and a few more pinches of salt and pepper. Using a spoon or spatula, crumble the beef into a fine consistency and simmer for a few minutes.
  • Add the tomato paste and Worcestershire sauce next, and mix these into the meat mixture. Finally, add the flour and mix it in thoroughly.
  • Stir in the diced potato and the beef stock or broth after adding them. For about 25 to 35 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft and the sauce has thickened, cover the pan and let the filling simmer gently.
  • Add the chopped parsley, thyme leaves, and peas to the filling and toss to incorporate. Let the beef filling cool fully before determining if it needs any more salt or pepper.
  • When your filling is almost cool, remove the four puff pastry sheets you should have from the freezer and let them thaw at room temperature for about forty to forty-five minutes. If the pastry sheets thaw before your filling is almost cool, store them in the refrigerator to stay cold.
  • Place one puff pastry sheet in front of you at a time on a work surface when they have thawed. The puff pastry sheet should be rolled out to a size of 10 by 10 inches before being cut into four, 5-inch squares. After using all of the puff pastry sheets, place the squares onto a sheet tray lined with parchment paper or wax to hold them in place.
  • After all of your puff pastry sheets have been rolled and cut into 5-inch squares (you should have 16 total), arrange about 4 squares in front of you at a time. To construct a slightly rectangular mound, add approximately ½ cup of the beef filling to the centre of each square, leaving a small border to facilitate sealing.
  • Apply a thin layer of water to the borders of the filled square, then cover the filling with another puff pastry square, just like you would with a pie. Using a fork, press the edges together, then trim any extra to form a smaller rectangular bundle or “package.” Transfer to a sizable parchment paper-lined baking sheet (or, if necessary, two baking sheets), and repeat to assemble the remaining hand pies. (After assembled, you will have eight hand pies in all.)
  • After assembling, make two to three tiny incisions, often known as “vents,” in the top of each hand pie to let steam out while it bakes. After that, refrigerate the hand pies in the freezer for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Set the oven to 400 degrees.
  • After they are cold, brush each savoury hand pie with egg wash, top with a small pinch of flaky salt if desired, and bake for 24 to 26 minutes, or until they are deeply golden brown.
  • Because the filling will be extremely hot, let the hand pies cool on a wire rack for ten minutes before consuming.

Air Fryer Method:

  • Bake at 340 F for 7-8 minutes until golden brown.
  • Use a spatula to carefully flip each one over and air fry for about 2 more minutes.

Recipe by: Ingrid Beer

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